I've built an algorithm to convert seconds into ... other things.
Here's an input:
Here's the output:
Generator notes:
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Convert any value in seconds into a relevant unit of time, from nanoseconds to millenia.
Avoid over-precision ie show 1.5 hours, not 1.504 hours. Prefer "Just over 1.5 hours"
Use plurals i.e. 5 seconds, not 5 second
Example output
1 second is 1 second
0.009 seconds is 9 microseconds
3601 seconds is just over 1 hour
Sources for Time Units
- Units of time from wikipedia, and a handy table of cross-references.
- General conversion from DuckDuckGo
Configuration for Time Units
units: [ {name:"nanosecond", pluralName:"nanosecondss", size:1e-9, dp:"any"}, {name:"millisecond", pluralName:"milliseconds", size:1e-6, dp:"3"}, {name:"microsecond", pluralName:"microseconds", size:1e-3, dp:"3"}, {name:"second", pluralName:"seconds", size:1, dp:"1"}, {name:"minute", pluralName:"minutes", size:60, dp:"1"}, {name:"hour", pluralName:"hours", size:3600, dp:"2"}, {name:"day", pluralName:"days", size:86400, dp:"1"}, {name:"week", pluralName:"weeks", size:604800, dp:"0"}, {name:"month", pluralName:"months", size:2629800, dp:"0"}, {name:"year", pluralName:"years", size:31557600, dp:"0"}, {name:"decade", pluralName:"decade", size:315576000, dp:"0"}, {name:"century", pluralName:"centuries", size:3155760000, dp:"0"}, {name:"milennium", pluralName:"milennia", size:31557600000, dp:"0"} ]
Algorithm: better handling of negative and zero values
Testing: Added two tests to verify changes
Testing: Bulk data generation avoids numeric problems (i.e. step of 0.001 no longer occasionally produces x.xx0000000000000001)
Testing: Deeper info on metric units: sources and configuration used
Known Issues
- 001: 0.7 seconds is just under 700 microseconds
Show / manipulate object in console
This will show you the object-under-test in the console:
. Open the console to see it and to work with it directly.
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